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Extensive Reading Activity in the Popular Music Collection

On December 21st, 2010, 16 4th-year students from KTC’s Extensive Reading class had class in the Popular Music Collection (PMC) room. Here they enjoyed reading while listening to music of their choice.

The purpose of the activity was to encourage students to equate pleasure reading in a second language with pleasure reading in their first language. For many, this usually means finding a comfortable chair and turning on some background music before settling in with a good book. The activity also promoted reading for fun anytime, anywhere, and aimed to persuade students to read outside the classroom until it becomes a habit.
For most students, it was their first visit to the PMC and their first time handling a vinyl record. Ryoichi Kiyota, PMC Manager, gave a brief introduction to the PMC and the staff taught students how to use the music system.  Students then selected LPs/CDs before lowering the hood of their personal sound system and opening their Graded Readers for 30 minutes of reading while listening to music.

In an informal survey afterwards, students commented that they enjoyed the experience and several said they can’t wait to do it again.