HOME »  KIT IDEALS, the values shared by our school community (Code of Conduct)

KIT IDEALS, the values shared by our school community (Code of Conduct)

KIT IDEALS have been defined as the values common to the KIT school community. Our students, the Board of Directors, faculty members and staff are expected to always be aware of, put into practice, and respect these values to further improve the KIT school community.

Kindness of heart (Kindheartedness)

We show compassion toward others, are helpful and considerate, and sensitive of others' feelings. When we show a sympathetic nature, we are rewarded by the feeling of kindness.

Intellectual Curiosity

We pursue things of interest to our intellect, follow our passion for learning, and use our discoveries for the benefits of others.

Team Spirit

When working with others on a team, we value each member's role. We look beyond our individual accomplishments to contribute toward the common goal.


We adhere to high moral and ethical principles. We are fair, reliable and trustworthy. Our personal code of values complements our school community's code of values.


With constant and earnest effort, we set out to accomplish what we undertake to the best of our ability. We use our time wisely and put care into all we do.


We tap all our potential energy and make positive use of our energy to produce greatness. We recognize and accept the limits of our own capabilities to maintain a healthy balance.


We strive to be independent, self-sufficient, and self-reliant. We respect the autonomy of the individual.


When working with others, we share leadership roles and accept all the rights and responsibilities that are inherent in the position.


We work toward achieving the highest good for all by fully realizing our own potential and natural abilities as we strive to become our ideal self.